NO (ignored inputs)COMMENT Cops #647 - #721: generated ground TRSs; evenly distributed in the UNR/UNC/NFP/CR hierarchy submitted by: Bertram Felgenhauer input TRS: [ b -> a, f(h(b,f(a))) -> f(c), c -> h(c,c), h(f(f(b)),a) -> c, h(a,a) -> a ] Try persistent and layer-preserving decomposition... Sort Assignment: a : =>9 b : =>9 c : =>9 f : 9=>9 h : 9*9=>9 maximal types: {9} ...decomposition failed. TRS: [ b -> a, f(h(b,f(a))) -> f(c), c -> h(c,c), h(f(f(b)),a) -> c, h(a,a) -> a ] unknown Non-Omega-Overlapping unknown Right-Reducible Check distinct normal forms in critical pair closure convertible distinct normal forms: f(h(f(f(a)),a)) = f(h(a,f(a))) problems/655.trs: Success(not UNC) (0 msec.)