Top> NUEセミナー> NUEセミナー(2002年)


東北大学・電気通信研究所・外山研究室ではNUEセミナーを開催しています. テーマはプログラム理論や定理自動証明を中心に, 情報科学の理論的なさまざまな話題をとりあげています. 興味をおもちの方はどなたでもフラリと気楽におたちより下さい.


日時 2002年12月5日
講演者 青戸 等人 (群馬大)
題目 単純型付き項書換え系の停止性について
要旨 単純型付き項書換え系は,山田 (RTA'01, 2001) によって提案された, 高階関数を利用できる項書換え系である.通常の高階項書換え系と異なり,こ の項書換え系は束縛変数を組み込んでいない.単純型付き項書換え系の停止性 証明法について紹介する.


日時 2002年3月20日
講演者 有村 博紀(九州大学大学院システム情報科学研究院)
題目 ウェブと半構造データからのデータマイニング
要旨 データマイニング (Data Mining) は,データベースに蓄積された大量 のデータから,自明でない規則性をとりだす方法についての研究であり,1990 年代初頭から,ビジネス分野や自然科学分野で活発に研究されている.本講演 では,われわれのグループで研究を進めているテキストデータと半構造データ を対象としたデータマイニングについて紹介する.


日時 2002年3月8日
講演者 Herman Geuvers (Nijmegen University)
題目 Open terms and Open proofs: a plea for Interactive Logic
要旨 In computer assisted theorem proving, unfinished proofs occur as the output of tactics: Suppose that starting from goal A, if we apply tactic T, the system returns goal B. This means that the system has created a `proof-with-a-hole' of A and this hole consists of a (yet to be produced) proof of B. Unfinished terms occur only in some type theory based theorem provers (like Coq or Lego). For example, when proving (exists x ( A(x) )), one may continue proving A(?), leaving the specific choice for (?) (temporarily) open. Note that here the `open term' (?) occurs in the expression of a goal and hence in an `open proof'. Allowing open terms in (open) proofs occurs quite naturally when we prove a theorem and it gives a greater flexibility to the proving process. At the same time, open terms obscure the formal status and meaning of the `unfinished proof' (in terms of the underlying logic), because logic itself does not deal with unfinished proofs. (The derivation rules give an inductive definition of what the derivable judgments are.)
In this talk we want to give a detailed account of open terms and open proofs, thus giving a formal explanation of `interactive higher order logic'. Then we define the type theoretic variant of this, in which open proofs and open terms become first class citizens. In this system we can formally define the notion of `proof statte' and `tactic'.
Joint work with Georgi Jojgov (Eindhoven, NL).
This work builds on previous work by Conor McBride (Durham UK), see


日時 2002年3月5日
講演者 Herman Geuvers (Nijmegen University)
題目 Preservation of SN for explicit substitution by using the RPO method
要旨 We consider a refinement of beta-reduction on lambda calculus where substitution is made explicit (not global). This refinement can be (and has been in the literature) defined in various ways, obtaining bx-reduction, where the b-step creates the explicit substitution and the x-steps move the substitutions through the term and execute them. Some refinements lead to the situation that some term M is beta-SN, but not bx-SN, which is clearly an undesirable situation: we want the explicit substitution calculus to "preserve strong normalization". If the calculus bx preserves strong normalization, we say that it has the PSN property.
We present our own calculus bx and we prove that it satisfies the PSN property. Our proof uses the RPO (recursive path ordering) method. Then we show that our proof method is very general and can be used for other explicit substitution calculi as well. We also illustrate on some extensions of bx where the PSN property brakes down.
Joint work with Roel Bloo (Eindhoven, NL), Reference: R. Bloo and H. Geuvers, Explicit Substitution. On the Edge of Strong Normalization, Theoretical Computer Science 211 (1999), pp 375 -- 395.

[外山研究室] [電気通信研究所] [東北大学]
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